The Mormon prophet, Thomas S. Monson, has been summoned to a Magistrate Court hearing in London, today, on fraud charges of which the church is accused. The plaintiff, Tom Phillips, a disaffected ex-Mormon, accuses that financial contributions are coerced by (false) tenets of the faith. Phillips held high offices in Mormon hierarchy before withdrawing his membership and becoming managing editor of Mormon Think, an online rebuttal against Mormon doctrine and history.
Personally, I would not file litigation, but that does not change my disgust in the religious manipulation of members for tithes. Like Phillips, I WANT MY MONEY BACK! However, my compliance was ultimately my choice, even though I feel that I was duped. Short and sweet, tithing is supposed to be a willing offering of (10%), and I totally agree with giving back … it’s the cycle of abundance, but it shouldn’t be attached to specific conditions with consequences for inadherence … that’s called a tax! Speaking of taxes, I feel that the Mormon church should pay them … their privilege of tax-exemption should’ve been revoked when they got politically involved with, and successfully influenced blocking same-sex marriage in Hawaii and California.
I consider the Mormon church a lucrative business.
In order to become and receive the most in Mormonism, you have to qualify for a “temple recommend,” essentially a VIP card for exclusive “worthy” members. One of the many tenets is that you’re a full tithe payer, and another is that you’re honest. So, they get your money either way—by compliance or by guilt. I share my personal experience in “Perfect Mormon” of Reclaimed (61).
Please think twice, and thoroughly understand to what you’re subjecting yourself—it could cost you a fortune!